Weekly Freebie - A Drink to a World Doomed

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 17 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Ash, the Anguished Drunk, Part II   Ash tasted his sweet Amber’s cherry lips forever. Smooching their warm moisture. Moaning gently with her. Letting her savor his yearning for her every second since all those years ago. Savor her yearning for him just as long ago. Mouth to mouth. The warm night as sensual and warm as the blood pounding through his veins. Heated by the buttery light of the lampposts. Giving everything, including her skin, a healthy extra gleam Amber usually needed a lotion to obtain. With a milky tint added by that romantic moon. Perfect for...

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 16 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Felix Goes War God   The shutters before Felix's gaze razored his sight. In the warm darkness he crouched. Ready to spring out of the cramped stone room three floors above the narrow cobble streets. The smell of brandy, cookies, and fear so thick he tasted it. Let it fire up his blood. The shrieks and snarls from the beasts below overwhelm the screams of the tormented dying. The clanks of solid black armor on those huge ratlings towering as high as the tall lampposts, if not several feet higher, were loud enough to crack the walls. Their...

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 15 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The Earth Wizard, Distraught Discoverer   Mustier than a thousand-year volume full of dust, mold, and cobwebs. Squeezed into a thick rectangle of cracked plaster and splintered rotting pine. The floor warped beyond recognition. Enough to make the Earth Wizard gulp down the bitter bile from his dinner of sautéed steak tips and mushrooms. The darkness shrouding the hallway so thick beyond a few feet that not even a spidora’s beady eyes could hope to penetrate it. The taste compared to the humid air outside. Dank. Cool. With the aftertaste of iron and rotten lemons. An aftertaste of...

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 14 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Ash and the Critical Moment   The moment of relative silence pricked every inch of Ash. It was actually quiet outside the booms and rips of battle coming from the lycan. No screams or cries in the distance. No carts over cobble or cacophony of crowds or taverns. Not even an echo from the random bang or crack. Cities like Chemarin were never so quiet. It was disturbing enough to make his gut uneasy. With the electric lycan bolts tearing through the air, ripping up straps, stinking the now chilly air like it was full of sparks from...

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 13 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 That Fucking Cat   The never-ending tunnel of grey stone bricks, ancient skulls embedded throughout the cracks, and a musty smell that only the oldest libraries dared try aim for and missed entirely … Petra finally managed to make out the dim glow of a rectangular doorway in the distance. The winding maze underneath Cheramin was bad enough. Avoiding the chattering humans huddled within some of the upper chambers was hard. They even sealed off several passageways ignorant of the depths of the maze. But they definitely hadn't bothered to go down a level. So many skulls gazed...

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 12 - Swordpulp Studios

A Drink to a World Doomed - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Ash, the Crazy Stupid Drunk, Part II   Ash don’t know how long he stood there. Heart pounding frozen acid in his ears. The street between the stone buildings suddenly seemed too narrow. Too small for the giant bucks taking up most of the space. Their giant sharp hooves planted on the cobble. Steaming breath coiling out of their mouths and snouts. Huge sharp antlers down and ready to charge. Waiting for the pale ghouls marching underneath them to clear way. Amber grinned her wide cherry vanilla smirk. Her scent, mingled with his utter bitter raw fear, now...